One of the most popular transitions I hacked for XP were the Split Video Transitions. It is a pity that despite its advanced and powerful architecture Vista does not provide a simple mechanism to make these transitions. Well! actually there is a general inability to customize transitions in Vista Movie Maker.
However with ShaderTFX all those old tricks become possible again in Vista... And much more!!!
Below I have provided a set of split transitions made using the external texture capabilities of ShaderTFX. Basically you draw a black and white mask image for splitting image A (black area) and image B (white area). The shape can be arbitrary. Once the image is ready you need to specify it in the XML file like this:
<Transition name="RehanFX Split Center AB" iconid="0" guid="RehanFX Split cAB" ShaderModel="2">
<Param name="ShaderFilename" value="rehanfx_split.fx"/>
<Param name="Technique" value="SplitSimpleTransition"/>
<Param name="TextureFile" value="%ProgramFiles%\Movie Maker\Shared\AddOnTFX\Split\cab.png" />
Download this free addon for SahderTFX: rehanfx_split.exe
Also see this post on WMM Forums:
how do i divide it si it make 2 separeted videos in one screen?
I want to make the effect of 2 people talking on the phone but I can't make it work with the transitions because it moves to one side!
I cant make it to separate videos or pix.....whenever i press it it doesn't even divide the pictures it fades from one to the other.......some people have the blue colored transition i have the green one and the blue ones seem to work but not mine....... I'm pretty sure mines a vista......HELP!!!!!
ok i downloaded this thing and it dont even work! I click on it and it just fades out HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!
This doesnt work, for some reason it doesnt!
how can i make it work!?
so do u have to pay for the shaderfx thing? I doenloaded everything you said but its not workin. I see them all on my transitions list but they do nothing to my vid
I think that there's something wrong with your code. All of the transitions are the equivalent of Fade, which isn't right.
Hi, I was wondering if I could do 2 things.
1. Make the above and below split screens larger?
2. The transition for the above and below come with A on top and B on bottom. Is there a way I can get B on top and A on bottom? I know I can switch the two pictures/videos but I was trying to experiment and would need both.
Thanks, I tested this it works great:)
But this is not free... I mean you can't use pictures if you have not bought the Shader FX... Right?
And does these gradually move from one picture to an other or do they stay in place like the "PIP: AB vertical split center"?
Rehan, has your main site gone away? Rehanfx.org is returning a generic landing page.
People, You need to select Timeline in MM, then drag your second video to almost the beginning of the first video. The width of the videos needs to be worked on as the second goes to the left and the first goes to the right.
mine has both of me fading. it is super weird and i need this soon
I cant
how can i make it work!?
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